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Be A Poem

you carry the heavens in you eyes like one of those old greek tragedies. and i’d call you atlas, but he wasn’t given a choice to hold the stars. you were. yet still you break your back by holding the sky in your palms
chapter one 
charakters   10
there was storm in her eyes, rocky seas from a hundred stormy nights, but also there was light, a warm wind from a distant shore, so that’s where i went towards her light, that shone in her eyes, with gentle seas
chapter two 
charakters   09
my fingers will find yours, tangle and sweeten the air and the birds will cry for us only
chapter three 
soulmates   05
Life will break you. No one can protect you from that. You fall, break into a thousand pieces and fail to recognize yourself your broken self in that broken mirror. You hate those butterflies in your stomach, because you know they are not a sign of love. You maybe hate it.Hate to love, and to feel. But you know, you are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed by your emotions. And when it happens that you are broken or betrayed or left or hurt or death near, let yourself write the poem of your life
follow the sound of the pipe, it's a bit dangerous but i'ts a bit sweet too. i'm here to save you, i'm here to ruin you
chapter four 
charakters   19
 come and get lost with me, in this pretty night, with his empty streets, burry light and cold wind. i've been trying for years to find a way out of this maze
chapter five
i have slipped into these roles with the greatest of ease -then out again with the same dexterity​
chapter six 
accounts   20
When it happens that you are broken or betrayed or left or hurt or death near, let yourself write the poem of your life
story written by 

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